Iron Age
1,100 BC – 700 BC
Biological Sex | Female |
Age | 40-50 years |
Burial position
Anatomical position.
Hair colour
Blonde | Red
Eye colour
not available *
Skin colour
* Information not available; the quality of preserved DNA did not allow the reconstruction of the specific traits.
Diseases /Injuries
Cervical osteoarthritis.
Dental caries.
Increased muscle performance
Fast-twitch muscle fibers
Better performance in sports like sprint running or weight lifting.
Food intolerances
Information on diet is not available; the quality of preserved collagen did not allow the reconstruction of the dietary profile.
In my community I was considered fortunate by some, for having lived so long and having seen so many summers and winters go by. It’s true, I saw a lot; but I also experienced the pain of losing my loved ones. First my mother-in-law, then my daughter. Tradition demands that we are all buried in the same family tomb.
So when my time came, being the last of my generation, I was bidden farewell with full honours. The ritual was followed and I was placed next to the carefully collected bones of my mother-in-law and daughter, to accompany them eternally.